
A World Without God

Look around and take notice. What do you see? Self everywhere and people wonder why are things bad. You hear of war and see war, bloodshed and yet we wonder if we keep fighting we will win. Man will never win without God but we keep trying.

You ever turn your back on a friend, what happens? They will quit having anything to do with you, then after a while you quit seeing them completely. The reason they move on to better things and things to do with ones that care. It is kind of how God is, we turn our backs on him and he disregards us until we ask for forgiveness just like a friend. That long lost friend can be won back with some kind words and an apology. Same thing with God, if you truly repent and ask God to forgive you he will.

The one bible verse I have pulled close to me is 2 Chronicles 15:2

He went out to meet Asa and said to him, “Listen to me, Asa and all Judah and Benjamin. The Lord is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you.

I have lived with this verse for a long time because it is so true. We as a world have turned our backs on God. You see it every day and yet we think that war is the answer but it isn’t …. God is the truth, the way and the light. We must open our eyes and realize this before it is to late.

We are all at fault for how the world is today. There was once a time where morals & value played a part of society, but not no more. It is all about me, myself and I. Until God returns and take us home we will have to suffer through the hard times.

There is hope for all of us, just pray and ask God to guide and direct you, daily. The world is made up of a several persons (each of us, individual) without one of us we cannot stand together. But pulling all together we can get God back on our side.